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What is DART?The Good Faith Network is an affiliate of DART. DART (Direct Action & Research Training) is a national network of congregation-based community organizations spread throughout twenty-three metropolitan areas in nine states. Each local organization is an independent, 501 c (3) nonprofit with its own unique name, funding, and staff. Each organization follows DART’s method of organizing, but determine their own issues and solutions locally. Their organizers are trained through the DART Organizers Institute and receive ongoing training from DART’s national staff. Bringing together hundreds of people of faith to lift up solutions to our community's most pressing problems is a new thing here in Johnson County. That's why we are using a proven model for community/congregation-based organizing that has been successful elsewhere. For more information about DART, head to:
How is the Good Faith Network funded?To retain independence and to ensure long-term sustainability, we concentrate on raising our own money internally. The three basic sources of funding include: congregational dues, an annual Investment Drive, and foundations. First, to be a member, a congregation must pay dues on a sliding scale related to their size. Second, we conduct a two-month annual Investment Drive. During this period, we train leaders from member congregations to approach individuals and major companies in the region to tell the story of our work and to seek investment. The long-term goal of the Investment Drive is to raise enough money to support a growing staff of organizers through large numbers of people investing at moderate amounts (i.e., typically around $200). Third, private and religious foundations often support the initial stages of a new DART organization in the form of seed money. The Great Plains Conference of the United Methodist Church has invested over $1 million to support DART organizations starting in Johnson and Wyandotte Counties in 2021 and in Lincoln, NE and Wichita, KS in 2022. When considering money, it’s important to note that we do not accept government funding and limit the amount that any one corporation can invest.
Are you aligned with a political party?No - we are politically non-partisan. As an organization, our political stances are solely issue-based. Our support or opposition will never be determined by an allegiance to a party or candidate.
Aren't you duplicating the efforts of other organizations?There are many organizations and agencies in Johnson County and the KC metro area who do important charitable work to help individuals meet their immediate needs, giving direct service. We are not a direct service organization. Rather, we organize for direct action. Direct action is a public meeting in which large numbers of organized people show their support for solutions to serious community problems. We call this distinction 'mercy versus justice' - and believe that we are called as people of faith to do both. The Good Faith Network is the only organization in Johnson County mobilizing hundreds of people of faith to pursue justice via direct action.
Can this work in Kansas?Justice Matters (Lawrence) and Topeka JUMP are our sister organizations, meaning that we all work independently, but we use the same model of community organizing from DART. Justice Matters and Topeka JUMP have been around for much longer than the Good Faith Network and have achieved amazing things for their communities! Check them out here:
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