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Step 1 - The Listening Process
Every year, our leaders across every member congregation host a series of small group listening sessions. In these discussions, we pose questions like: 'What keeps you up at night worrying? What do you see happening that makes you angry?'

We surface the problems people are experiencing in their day to day lives and the problems they see in the community. These listening sessions also help our members strengthen their relationships and start to organize their networks.
After these listening sessions, Network Members from across the county gather at an annual Community Problems Assembly. There, we vote democratically on the community issue(s) that the Good Faith Network will prioritize that year.
Step 2 - Research and Build Coalitions
After the Community Problems Assembly, lay leaders and clergy form research committees around the selected priorities. Committees embark on a months-long research process - speaking with those who are experiencing the problem and interviewing subject-matter experts, current service providers, and relevant public officials - to better understand the issue. Additionally, the committees discover what best practices are being used in other communities that are eliminating the targeted problem.
Depending on our research, we may seek responsibility in cases of neglect. Efficiency in cases of waste. Fresh ideas in cases of stagnation. Light where there is darkness.
At the end of the research process, we gather the whole Good Faith Network again at an annual Solutions Briefing to inform everyone about the research progress and to prepare for the Nehemiah Assembly.
Step 3 - Organize Direct Action
Our next step is to use our collective voice to prompt action from those who have the power to affect change. We hold a large public meeting called a Nehemiah Assembly.
In front of a gathering of 1,200+ people of faith, our local decision-makers make concrete commitments to addressing the most serious problems in our community. This increases accountability and demonstrates the level of support our public officials have to implement innovative policy and funding solutions.
Step 4 - Follow Up

Our commitment to real community change doesn't stop after our Nehemiah Assembly.
We continue to meet with officials to ensure that they follow through on their commitments and we keep members of the Good Faith Network informed of our progress.
Then we begin again with another Listening Process.